Nothin' But Fine: Bible Talk with Emily

Who Am I? | Matthew 16

Emily Trotter Season 1 Episode 99

Jesus was pestered by the Pharisees over and over again to prove who he was.  Were they completely missing what all he had done?  Clearly, they had.  Every miraculous thing he did they just weren’t satisfied by.  They often said it was evil, blasphemous.  They were a distraction and Jesus warned his disciples about their teaching.  He likened it to yeast.  Yeast spread in the b read, eating up the sweet and grows.  It’s obvious when it works…the bread rises, and it only takes a little to get the job done. 

 It's interesting that Matthew tells of this next interaction after this warning.  They had made their way near Caesarea-Philippi (in the territory ruled by Philip, Herod Antipas’s brother, nice but decidedly not Jewish letting the pagan temples abound in this city).  The temple of Pan was located here.  I’ve seen the remnants.  It is impressive and quite beautiful.  It sits at the base of Mt. Hermon and hosts the largest spring that feeds he Jordan River. 

 Perhaps that is why Jesus asked his disciples who people were saying he was.  They answered John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.  Jesus asks who they say he is.  Peter answers, “You are the Christ, the son of the living God.”
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