Nothin' But Fine: Bible Talk with Emily

Reveal to Infants | Matthew 11

January 31, 2024 Emily Trotter Season 1 Episode 91

This chapter of Matthew is hard.  I had to get out ALL the translations, commentaries, and text all my pastors and smart friends.  Each avenue taught me something new.  I love a productive rabbit hole. 

 John the Baptist makes a reappearance.  I missed the reassuring nugget here.  Glad for commentaries that pointed it out.  John is in prison and he has some doubts and he wants some affirmation about who Jesus is.  If John the Baptist had some questions then I should feel perfectly okay about having my own.  Look, even prophets have doubts!  He asks his followers to go ask Jesus if he is who John thought he was.  Remember, he was convinced when he was baptizing him.  He saw the dove and heard God’s voice from heaven.  Clearly, things weren’t as John was expecting them to be.  Doesn’t it feel good to know that it isn’t just us when things get tough or don’t go as planned or imagined-especially if we are trusting God- that thinks maybe I heard wrong or have gotten confused along the way. 

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